关于「 IMF」的内容列表

Argentine President Millet will meet with Musk on Thursday

Argentine President Millet will meet with Tesla CEO Elon Musk and IMF Managing Director Georgieva in Washington on Thursday.

2025-02-18 16:18:04

阿根廷总统米莱将于周四在华盛顿与特斯拉 CEO 马斯克以及 IMF 总裁格奥尔基耶娃会面。

2025-02-18 16:18:04
International monetary fund advises Kenya to develop clear cryptocurrency regulatory framework

The International monetary fund (IMF) has recommended that Kenya create a clear and predictable regulatory environment for the cryptocurrency market to protect consumers and address anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CFT) related risks. The IMF noted that Kenya's current reliance on outdated regulations in traditional markets and the lack of legally binding regulation of the crypto market have led to an increase in crypto-related fraud and criminal activity. The IMF rec...

2025-01-09 09:14:51

国际货币基金组织(IMF)建议肯尼亚创建一个清晰且可预测的加密货币市场监管环境,以保护消费者并应对反洗钱(AML)和打击恐怖主义融资(CFT)相关风险。IMF指出,肯尼亚目前依赖于传统市场的过时法规,对加密市场缺乏具有法律约束力的监管,导致加密相关诈骗及犯罪活动增加。 IMF建议肯尼亚开发与国际框架和标准一致的加密监管环境...

2025-01-09 09:14:51
El Salvador has bought 25 BTC since receiving the IMF loan.

El Salvador this week reached a tentative agreement with the international monetary fund (IMF) to obtain a loan of around $1.40 billion under the new arrangement of the international monetary fund's medium-term lending facility. According to Bitcoin Magazine forwarding market data, El Salvador has bought 25 BTC worth more than $2.40 million since receiving the IMF loan.

2024-12-22 02:58:02

萨尔瓦多本周与国际货币基金组织(IMF)达成一项临时协议,拟根据国际货币基金组织的中期贷款机制的新安排获得金额约为14亿美元的贷款。据Bitcoin Magazine转发市场数据显示,萨尔瓦多自获得的IMF贷款以来已买入25枚BTC,价值超过240万美元。

2024-12-22 02:58:02
IMF: Trump's US Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Plan Will Be Fully Assessed When Implemented

International monetary fund (IMF) Kozak said it declined to comment on Trump's U.S. strategic bitcoin reserve plan and would conduct a full review when the policy is implemented.

2024-12-19 16:23:37


2024-12-19 16:23:37
IMF: BTC usage in El Salvador will be voluntary

International monetary fund (IMF) spokesperson Kozak said when asked about bitcoin's legal tender status in El Salvador that the use of bitcoin will be voluntary. He also said that the U.S. labor market is cooling and inflation is higher than expected, but inflation is trending towards the 2% target. As uncertainty about the U.S. economic outlook remains high, the Federal Reserve needs to adjust the pace and magnitude of interest rate cuts based on upcoming data.

2024-12-19 16:17:36

国际货币基金组织(IMF)发言人科扎克当被问及比特币在萨尔瓦多的法定货币地位时表示,比特币的使用将是自愿的,他还表示,美国劳动力市场正在降温,通货膨胀率比预期的要高,但通货膨胀率趋向于 2%的目标。由于美国经济前景的不确定性仍然很高,美联储需要根据即将公布的数据来调整降息的速度和幅度。

2024-12-19 16:17:36
About 40% of global jobs will be at risk from artificial intelligence, with 20% likely to benefit

IMF First Deputy Managing Director Gopinath: About 40% of global employment will be at risk from artificial intelligence, of which 20% could benefit and another 20% could be replaced. In advanced economies, the risk of being affected by artificial intelligence could be as high as 60%, while emerging markets and developing countries are less at risk.

2024-11-21 21:57:02


2024-11-21 21:57:02
 IMF: Will not assess impact of Trump's economic policy plans until it sees details

Julie Kozack, spokeswoman for the international monetary fund, said it was "too early" to speculate on the potential impact of US President-elect Donald Trump's tax cuts and other policies after seeing details of them. Speaking at her first regular press conference since the November 5 election, Kozack said Trump's economic plan was not yet in shape, given that he will take office on January 20, 2025. "To a large extent, the exact impact of these policies will depend on the details, which is why...

2024-11-21 20:53:36

国际货币基金组织(IMF)发言人Julie Kozack表示,在看到美国当选总统特朗普的减税等政策的细节后对其进行评估,现在推测其潜在影响“为时尚早”。Kozack在美国大选11月5日后的首次例行新闻发布会上说,特朗普的经济计划还未成型,鉴于他将于2025年1月20日就职。Kozack说:“很大程度上,这些政策的确切影响都将取决于细节,这就是为什么我们要在看到细节后再做出评估,”

2024-11-21 20:53:36
The uncertainty surrounding the US election has gripped the market, with the IMF warning that the world faces the risk of low growth and high debt

According to Reuters, the head of the international monetary fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, warned on the 24th that the world is in danger of falling into a low-growth, high-debt path, which will reduce the resources that governments can use to improve opportunities for their people, tackle climate change and other challenges. The upcoming US Presidential Election on November 5 has raised concerns that Americans, who have been stimulated by high inflation during the administration of Democrat...

2024-10-27 04:18:44

7x24 快讯

11:08 2025-03-25
Binance Wallet PARTI TGE已完成,筹集326963枚BNB
3月25日消息,Binance Wallet 今日与 PancakeSwap 合作为 ParticleNetwork(PARTI)举办独家代币生成活动已完成,共募集 326963 枚 BNB,超募约 163 倍。
10:59 2025-03-25
PARTI拟于今日19:10开始在Binance Alpha上进行交易
3月25日消息,据币安Binance华语在X平台发文称,PARTI在币安钱包的独家TGE活动中提供,可从2025-03-25 19:10 (UTC+8)开始在Binance Alpha上进行交易。注意:一旦现货交易开始,PARTI将不再在Binance Alpha上显示。
10:47 2025-03-25
Binance Wallet PARTI TGE已超募144倍,已筹集288,251枚BNB
3月25日消息,Binance Wallet今日与Pancake Swap合作,为Particle Network(PARTI)举办独家代币生成活动。目前BNB投入开放40分钟,距离结束剩余20分钟,已超募144倍。目标筹集1995枚BNB,现已筹集288,251枚BNB。
10:41 2025-03-25
Amnis Finance 宣布完成积分快照,即将公布奖励领取详情
据 Aptos 生态的流动性质押协议 Amnis Finance 官方消息,Amnis 所有积分已完成快照。最终的空投分配方案正在准备中,关于 AMI 代币奖励和认领详情的公告将很快发布。
10:41 2025-03-25
10:33 2025-03-25
火币HTX将于今日21时上线PARTI并同步新增PARTI/USDT (10X) 逐仓杠杆交易
3月25日消息,据火币HTX公告显示,火币HTX将于3月25日18:00 (GMT+8) 开放PARTI的充币服务。PARTI/USDT现货交易将于3月25日21:00 (GMT+8)开放。PARTI的提币服务将于3月26日21:00 (GMT+8) 开放。同时,火币杠杆将于3月25日21:00 (GMT+8) 新增 PARTI/USDT (10X) 逐仓杠杆交易。 据悉,Particle Network 是一个支持链抽象(chain abstraction)的 Layer-1 区块链,通过将用户与流动性无缝整合在一起,...
10:29 2025-03-25
据 QCP 发文分析,摩根大通和多位策略分析师表示,美国股市近期的快速下跌可能已经结束,市场情绪改善和季节性因素正形成有利条件。历史数据显示,第二季度尤其是 4 月是风险资产表现最佳的时期之一,标准普尔 500 指数在第二季度平均年化收益率达 19.6%,比特币也录得其次佳的中位数表现。
10:11 2025-03-25
美国政府当前持有价值 176.21 亿美元的加密货币
截至 2025 年 3 月 24 日,美国政府持有价值 176.21 亿美元的加密货币,其中金额超 100 万美元的加密货币包括:比特币 19.8 万枚(价值 172.8 亿美元)、以太坊 6.1 万枚(价值 1.26 亿美元)、USDT 1.22 亿枚(价值 1.22 亿美元)、WBTC 751 枚(价值 6524 万美元)、BNB 4.01 万枚(价值 2524 万美元)。
09:52 2025-03-25
Arbitrum DAO考虑收回游戏催化剂计划未使用资金
3月24日,Arbitrum DAO成员Nathanvander Heyden提交了一份提案,呼吁收回分配给Arbitrum游戏催化剂计划(GCP)的未使用资金。该计划于2024年启动,旨在将Arbitrum定位为链上游戏开发的领先平台。 “我们必须逐步停止GCP活动并确保所有可能的资金,以保护DAO的资金并恢复投资者对该DAO分配资本能力的信心,”vanderHeyden在治理论坛帖子中写道。该社区成员还表示,GCP不愿记录其活动...
09:40 2025-03-25
09:28 2025-03-25
Meme 孵化平台Coresky完成 1500 万美元 A 轮融资
Meme 孵化平台 Coresky 宣布完成 1500 万美元 A 轮融资,由 Tido Capital 领投,WAGMi Ventures、Copilot Venture Studio、 Web3 Vision Fund、Parallel Ventures 参投,估值信息暂未披露,该公司迄今的融资总额达到 2100 万美元。
09:28 2025-03-25
两个与Ondo Finance关联钱包向Coinbase Prime存入1383万枚ONDO
据 Spot On Chain 监测,大约 4 小时前,两个与 Ondo Finance 关联钱包向 Coinbase Prime 存入 1383 万枚ONDO ,价值 1220 万美元。